Film clip on the Violet Copper published on the internet

June 12, 2023


At the end of May, Tim Laussmann from the Rheinisch-Westfälische Lepidopterologen was with us in the Northern Eifel to take film footage of the Violet Copper. The result brings the viewer closer to the butterfly's way of life in a successful way.

The video shows footage from the Kalltal valley near Konzen and Paustenbach and the Holderbachtal valley near Rohren. The film file can be viewed on the YouTube channel called "Moth Hunters", which Tim Laussmann has already provided with a whole series of contributions on the subject of butterflies and moths. He describes the channel himself with the keywords:

"Observing day and night butterflies, attracting, photographing, breeding caterpillars: The Moth Channel with topics on nature observation and conservation, ecology, landscape change and insect mortality."

Click here to watch!