Development of a habitat network for the Violet Copper
Four people are currently working on the LIFE project "Patches & Corridors". Behind the team, however, are many other colleagues from the Biological Station who contribute their knowledge and energy. This can be support for practical work in the field, help with bureaucratic matters, tips for operating computers and software, or even for emtying the mind during lunch break...
Dr. Bernhard Theißen
Project manager
Biological Station StädteRegion Aachen e.V.
Zweifaller Str. 162
52224 Stolberg
Tel.: 02402/12617-19
Dr. Mechthild Schuppener
Scientific staff
Biological Station StädteRegion Aachen e.V.
Zweifaller Str. 162
52224 Stolberg
Tel.: 02402/12617-27
Ina Holz
Biological Station StädteRegion Aachen e.V.
Zweifaller Str. 162
52224 Stolberg
Tel.: 02402/12617-22
Marietta Schmitz
Former Scienitific Staff member
Biological Station StädteRegion Aachen e.V.
Zweifaller Str. 162
52224 Stolberg
Tel.: 02402/12617-23